The Secrets of Garabandal (video)

CP&S comment – This is one of the many recent videos on the amazing events that took place in Garabandal. It is a long video but extremely informative and interesting. We highly recommend it.

The Church has still not officially recognised the authenticity of the apparitions and messages of Our Blessed Lady to the four young girls in the tiny village of Garabandal in the sixties. They have nonetheless had to admit that the teachings she imparted to the girls do not oppose Catholic doctrine. However, there are clear reasons why the Vatican – which at that time was considered a prestigious bulwark of authority, even by most non-Catholics – drew a rather negative conclusion to Our Lady’s words. In one of her apparitions she had warned the children that there were “priests and bishops who were on the path to Hell and taking many people with them”. This was a shocking revelation that horrified both clergy and the faithful. In hindsight, and after the clear evidence in subsequent decades of a calculated infiltration of a large number of enemies into the highest ranks of the Holy Catholic Church (undercover communists, Freemasons and the powerful homosexual lobby) that have wreaked havoc in the pews, Our Lady’s words ring painfully true. A worldwide warning, followed by a great miracle, and then a terrible chastisement if men still fail to amend their lives, have also been prophesied. Conchita is the visionary who has to announce the great miracle shortly before it will take place.
More than sixty years later, and with the three remaining visionaries now well in their seventies, the Catholic world is taking a fresh look at Garabandal.

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