The Vatican’s ‘Greatest Supporter’ and Collaborator


Written by   for The Remnant:


Pro-Abort Papal Advisor, Jeff Sachs

Be forewarned. This photo speaks volumes about this papacy and its collaborators. Know them by the radical company they keep.

Clout affords him heightened access to the Pope, as he sits prominently at the speaker’s dais when Pope Francis addresses the Pontifical Academy’s Human Trafficking Judicial Conference in early June 2016.

He smiles and listens as Francis acknowledges and thanks “a number of prestigious external collaborators—to whom I offer my heartfelt thanks—have engaged in important activities in defense of human dignity and freedom in our day.”

He nods knowingly because he ranks foremost as the Pope’s ‘prestigious external collaborators.’

As the Pope’s address continues, Francis identifies these ‘collaborators.’ “We can also count an important and decisive collaboration with the United Nations. I am grateful for the fact that the representatives of the 193 UN member states unanimously approved the new Sustainable Development Goals.”

After three years of intense geopolitical chicanery, Francis unabashedly concedes that the Vatican’s ‘important collaborators’ are none other than the United Nations and its pro-abortion Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Despite the outcry from The Remnant, The Lepanto InstituteVoice of the Family and LifesiteNews and, many others, who repeatedly warned of the anti-life, anti-Catholic goals and tactics of the gender-bender, contraceptive ridden, and abortion laden UN/ SDGs, Francis is not backing down of his SDG support. Since his election, his papacy quickly embraced the eco agenda of the secular global elite by collaborating with the United Nations, as the bureaucratic global savior of the environment.

In three short years, the unthinkable envelops the seat of Peter, a radical secular agenda which undermines the deposit of faith. How did it happen so quickly? The answer lies in the man seated at the papal dais. His name is Jeffrey Sachs and he is the UN/SDG mastermind behind the papal eco doctrine of faith. Make no mistake. He operates with impunity and with the explicit blessing of Francis.

Sachs dominates the Vatican as its prominent eco-mouthpiece who has racked up over 9 appearances and speeches at the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy in the last 3 years.

Sachs serves as the United Nations jack-of-all-trades expert propounding on everything from rising seas to rising population.

Sachs squires around fellow secularists, Ban Ki Moon and Bernie Sanders throughout the halls of the Vatican.

Sachs drafts Vatican documents on climate change.

Jeffrey Sachs far surpasses the mere role of Vatican collaborator. He is described by Pontifical Academy President Margaret Archer as one of its “greatest supporters.”

Who is Jeffrey Sachs, this greatest supporter of the Vatican? He is Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and director of the UN Millennial Development Goals Network, a special advisor to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and author of (what else) The Age of Sustainable Development.

More troubling, Sachs perches as a permanent fixture within the Vatican walls of the Francis papacy, acting as a one-man climate change curia, incessantly promoting the UN global warming agenda. He is the self-appointed expert on all things global and his troubling influence continues to grow in the Vatican.

This “greatest supporter” functions as the Vatican’s most frequent invited speaker and climate global advisor. In the last 3 years, Sachs opines from human trafficking, to climate change to income redistribution. Sachs poses as an expert on an array of subjects insisting that they all lead to the sustainable green brick road of his precious UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This greatest supporter of the Vatican wrote that abortion is a “lower-risk and lower-cost option” (that’s an economist talking) than bringing a child into the world.

This greatest supporter of the Vatican believes that “high fertility rates are deleterious to economic development.”

This greatest supporter of the Vatican forcefully argues “legalization of abortion reduces a country’s total fertility rate significantly, by as much as half a child on average.” That’s a good thing for Sachs.

This greatest supporter of the Vatican has advocated for 20 years a UN global reproductive health policy, which is flush with abortion and contraceptives.

This greatest supporter of the Vatican promotes the new UN Sustainable Development Goals which are replete with the promotion of sexual and reproductive health resources, including abortifacients, contraceptives and abortion services.

Can you hear the collective gasp of horror from the tombs of popes beneath St. Peter’s Basilica?

The Plot Thickens

Two weeks ago at the Vatican Judicial Human Trafficking Summit, Sachs spoke again (although he’s certainly not a judge) and seized the opportunity to again further the implementation of his pet project, the new UN Sustainable Development Goals. In his revealing opening statement, Sachs underscored the close collaboration and scheme between the UN and the Pope’s Eco Exhortation, Laudato Si.

Jeffrey Sachs acknowledged that Pope Francis and his encyclical “Laudato Si made the adoption of both the passage of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Sept. 2015 and the Paris Climate Agreement in December 2015  possible.” 

You heard that right. The collaboration worked masterfully! Sachs’ unrelenting Vatican presence provided assurance and coordination that the UN agenda of climate change and sustainable development would be fortified and championed by Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Laudato Si. How clever and political of them all.

The highly controversial and scientifically challenged climate change manifesto, Laudato Si released on June 18, 2015, paved the way for the passage of the abortion and contraception-infused UN Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015. To further guarantee SDGs victory at the UN, Pope Francis sealed the deal and addressed to the UN General Assembly on September 25th and urged that:

“The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the World Summit, which opens today, is an important sign of hope. I am similarly confident that the Paris Conference on Climatic Change will secure fundamental and effective agreements.”

Presto, following the release of Laudato Si and the papal UN Address, the SDGs were passed by the UN General Assembly followed by the passage of the Paris Climate Treaty in December of 2015. Those secular milestones signal quite a political accomplishment for the Vicar of Christ!

After three years of intense coordination and delicate timing, the plot hatched at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences reveals an ongoing radical, secular, political, and global partnership under this pontificate.

Jeffrey Sachs is now comfortably embedded as the Pope’s point man orchestrating the UN/Vatican/Obama administration collaboration and partnership to promote population control, masking as global climate change. As a willing stooge in this globalist movement to build one world order through population control, decarbonization, climate taxation, deindustrialization, and redistribution of wealth, the Vatican dispatches all its precious resources, including summits, pontifical academies, slick papal videos, St. Peter’s animal laser shows, and yes, a papal exhortation to lend its moral voice to an immoral global strategy.

If only the millions of threatened unborn children and persecuted Christians could be afforded those vast Vatican resources.

Further reading: popes-climate-encyclical-made-possible-passage-of-pro-abortion-sdgs-un-lead

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6 Responses to The Vatican’s ‘Greatest Supporter’ and Collaborator

  1. kathleen says:

    How have we got to this situation where a pro-baby-murderer economist is hailed as the Vatican’s “greatest supporter and collaborator“? What does this say about those in the hierarchy who declare such an abomination as they kow-tow to an enemy of Christ? Jeffrey Sachs, who cares not a hoot for the lives of the unborn – and in fact is in favour of destroying as many of them as possible – should be a persona non grata in Vatican debates.

    And what is the Vatican thinking in chinwagging with the UN anyway? Is it unaware, or does it not care, that this is an anti-Christian organisation?

    The Catholic Church has always taught, that children are ‘God’s gift to man’. From a LifeSiteNews link:

    Instead of seeing people as ‘mouths to feed,’ ‘pollution producers,’ or ‘carbon footprint makers,’ the Church sees each and every person as a unique and unrepeatable gift from God who is made in the image and likeness of God, who is filled with the greatest dignity and transcendence as a son or daughter of God, and who is ultimately called to eternal beatitude in the Kingdom of God.

    Humans utterly surpass all other creatures in excellence and dignity because of their supreme calling and final end in God. The Church has always viewed humans as the pinnacle of creation, the splendor of the cosmos, and a special revelation of God’s glory.

    The Church has always defended the natural family founded on marriage between one man and one woman as integral to every kind of human flourishing. Saint John Paul II emphasized this point in his pontificate time and again by calling the family the first and vital cell of society.”

    Again and again we are witnessing (whether you believe in private revelations or not) how Our Lady’s predictions at Quito, La Salette, Fatima, Garabandal and Akita are being lived out in our days: and that Satan is truly walking among the Pope and Cardinals at the very centre of the Church Militant on Earth!


  2. johnhenrycn says:

    People who carry plastic water bottles into meetings, presenters and observers alike, are gay. Ipso facto. And what’s that huge hunk of plastic stuck in Sach’s lughole? Is he deaf? Would that he was a deaf mute.


  3. Pingback: Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences –

  4. Pingback: Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences-Life Site – Titre du site


  6. Pingback: ‘False Idol – Moloch / Baal’ (Ancient & Today); Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. 'Doctrines of Devils.' - The Night Watchman

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