EPIC VIDEO: *Ad Orientem*

A beautifully produced 9 minute video explaining the importance of the symbolism in the priest, with his congregation together, facing East towards Our Lord and Saviour on the Crucifix during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

What others have said about this video

Father Z:

“The single most damaging change made in the name of, the “spirit” of the Second Vatican Council, was the “turning around” of our altars. We should recover ad orientem worship.

The video highlights the Traditional Latin Mass, but we need ad orientem worship for both the Novus Ordo and the Traditional Mass.”

Fr Simon Henry (Offerimus Tibi Domine)

“I know that celebrating ad orientem is still very rare in ordinary parish life (with a few notable exceptions) but the continuing suggestion of its efficacy in assisting the decline of reverence and continuity (to say nothing of its ecumenical import with our Eastern brethren) from increasing numbers of liturgists, bishops and cardinals is certainly a sign that it is “on the agenda” more than ever than in the last fifty years.”

Brian Williams (Liturgy Guy):

“THIS IS GREAT CATECHESIS! Highly informative, incredibly accessible, and with a very professional looking production value.

Make a difference and help educate others on the truth, beauty and tradition of Ad Orientem worship in the Roman Rite Mass.”

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2 Responses to EPIC VIDEO: *Ad Orientem*

  1. Sarah Breslin says:

    So beautifully explained-
    the importance of all facing our Lord on the Crucifix. God bless all our priests who point us to the true presence

    Liked by 1 person

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