St Padre Pio’s Special Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima

Saint Padre Pio was deeply devoted to Our Lady of Fatima. Due to the profound spirituality and super-human gifts from God that this holy saint possessed – his extraordinary guidance of souls, his gift of bilocation, and his camaraderie with the Angels, together with his knowledge of the Devil, etc. – he also gained greater insights into the Fatima messages and its significance for our era than most other men. 

When asked about the role of Our Lady in God’s plan for salvation, Padre Pio responded by saying that “all graces given by God pass through the Blessed Mother.” It was with that understanding that he almost daily offered the Mass of the Immaculate Conception in the last decade of his life on earth. He is quoted as saying of Our Lady that She “accompanies me to the altar and remains at my side while I offer up the Holy Mass.”

Padre Pio daily expressed his special devotion to Our Lady of Fatima as he knelt and prayed at Her shrine within the monastery, before a large picture surrounded by burning candles. Indeed, he credited the Virgin of Fatima with saving his life.

Did You Know That Our Lady of Fatima Once Cured Padre Pio?

How Our Lady of Fatima made a special trip to help a favorite son who was thoroughly devoted to her Fatima messages.

By Joseph Pronechen on the National Catholic Reguster

Most everyone knows of Our Lady of Fatima. Most everyone has heard of St. Padre Pio. But how many know that Padre Pio was very seriously ill, bedridden, and Our Lady of Fatima visited him to cure him?

The miraculous event happened in 1959. That spring, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima had come from Portugal to make several stops around Italy’s provincial capitals. Traveling by helicopter, the statue of Our Lady should have been going to Foggia where Bishop Paola Carta had readied a tremendous welcome for Our Lady. But she detoured.

Later as Bishop Emeritus, in 1997 he would tell the story and aa bit about the longtime love Padre Pio had for Our Lady of Fatima in Voice of Padre Pio from the Friary of Our Lady of Grace, in San Giovanni Rotondo.

Bishop Carta recalled the requests of Our Lady at Fatima and said he could “assert that in the half century which followed, no one in the Church has given a more complete reply than Padre Pio. The maternal anxiety of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the souls going to hell had profoundly and completely invaded the heart of Padre Pio, who made of his whole life a great sacrifice to our Lord to snatch souls away from eternal damnation.”

The bishop noted that at Fatima Our Lady asked especially for the prayer of the Rosary. “And who could count the hours Padre Pio spent in prayer for the conversion and salvation of sinners?…And with how much loving insistence did he not recommend the Rosary to everyone as a means of salvation.”

Besides, the bishop pointed to the countless acts of mortification, penances and sufferings to save souls from hell that Padre Pio practiced in answer to what Our Lady called for.

“This heroic reply of Padre Pio’s deserved a sign of maternal pleasure from our Lady,” he noted. “And the sign was marvelous.”

Mary’s Visit to San Giovanni Rotondo

The pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima from Portugal was scheduled to stop in the large city of Foggia. The monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo was within the Foggia diocese, but Padre Pio was severely ill with pleurisy, unable to even celebrate Mass from May 5 let alone go to Foggia. Here it was the beginning of August that Mary was to arrive, and Padre Pio remained bedridden.

“But could the Mother with an Immaculate Heart so sensitive and delicate not visit her dearest son, Padre Pio?” explained Bishop Carta.

Somehow the scheduled got changed. The statue would not go to Foggia but to San Giovanni Rotondo instead. Joy filled the air as people gathered by the monastery. With the help of a loudspeaker, Padre Pio was able to prepare them for their Mother’s arrival on August 6.

That Aug. 6 morning, Padre Pio managed to get down to the church. He managed to get before the statue of our Lady — “but had to sit down because he was exhausted — and he gave her a gold rosary,” observed Bishop Carta. “The statue was lowered before his face and he was able to kiss her. It was a most affectionate gesture.”

That same afternoon. Between two and three o’clock, Our Lady of Fatima was again on the helicopter ready to travel to the next stop. Taking off from the House for the Relief of the Suffering — which was built from Padre Pio’s idea and inspiration and opened on May 5, 1956 — the helicopter circled three times around the monastery before flying away to its next stop. Afterwards, the pilot could never explain why that circling happened.

The Padre’s Surprise

Bishop Carta described how “From a window Padre Pio watched the helicopter fly away with eyes filled with tears. To our Lady in flight Padre Pio lamented with a confidence that was all his own: ‘My Lady, my Mother, you came to Italy and I got sick, now you are going away and you leave me still ill.’”

But as the helicopter was circling, he felt a shudder, a jolt, through his body. The bishop repeated what Padre Pio would say for the rest of his life: “In that very instant I felt a sort of shudder in my bones which cured me immediately.”

The bishop added the words of his Spiritual Father who confirmed the event saying, “In a moment the Padre felt a mysterious force in his body and said to his confreres: ‘I am cured.’ He was healthy and strong as never before in his life.”

In Padre Pio a Personal Portrait, originally published in 1978 and recently republished, Friar Francesco Napolitano who worked with the saintly friar said, “I was present at the scene and can testify that Padre Pio never felt as healthy as he did after the departure of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima.”

When the saintly friar was told about an article in the Foggia paper asking why Our Lady of Fatima went to San Giovanni Rotondo instead of the shrine of Saint Michael at Monte Sant’Angelo in the Foggia location, Bishop Carta repeats that Padre Pio simply replied, “Our Lady came here because she wanted to cure Padre Pio.”

Three days after her visit, he was back celebrating Mass.

Cure Spotlights Perfect Example

The bishop had his own idea of why Our Lady of Fatima came to the monastery to Padre Pio. “I like to add that she also came because the example of Padre Pio’s ardent devotion and his prodigious recovery would rouse in Italy and the world a fervent increase of love and confidence towards the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

Bishop Carta saw this heavenly favor as such a reminder, adding that “from this marvelous episode we must make a holy resolution to grow always in this devotion with a generous reply to the message of Fatima, reciting fervently the Rosary every day, praying and offering our sufferings for the conversion of sinners, receiving Communion on the first Saturdays of the month in the hope that the consoling words will come true for us: ‘I promise salvation to all those who practice devotion to my Immaculate Heart. These souls will be most dear to God, and like flowers I will place them before his throne.’”

For his response to her message and requests, Padre Pio is like a whole bouquet.


“Padre Pio paid and bought souls at a most high price: with heroic penance, with food, with sleep, with rest, with the martyrdom of fifty-eight years in the ministry of confession; with sufferings derived from misunderstandings and prohibitions and serious disciplinary measures taken against him at various times of his life, through no fault of his; with enormous difficulties to overcome to build the Home for the Relief of Suffering; and above all with the crucifixion which lasted exactly half a century with open wounds. A victim completely sacrificed for sinners. And that was Padre Pio’s reply to the message of Fatima.” (EWTN)

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1 Response to St Padre Pio’s Special Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima

  1. Roger says:

    Thank you
    St Pio Pray for Us.

    From the Akita APPROVED Visions
    13 Oct 1973 (very annivesary of Great Miracle of Fatima)

    “My dear daughter, listen well to what I have to say to you. You will inform your superior.”
    After a short silence:

    “As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.”

    “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

    “The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them”

    “With courage, speak to your superior. He will know how to encourage each one of you to pray and to accomplish works of reparation.”

    “It is Bishop Ito, who directs your community.”

    And She smiled and then said:

    “You have still something to ask? Today is the last time that I will speak to you in living voice. From now on you will obey the one sent to you and your superior.”

    “Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved.”


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