Vatican rocked by leak of 300-page dossier


The Vatican is reeling from news that the 300-page dossier containing names of members of the gay lobby — a dossier some believe led to Pope Benedict’s resignation in 2013 — has been leaked to the media.

Il Fatto Quotidiano, an Italian journal read by Vatican officials, is confirming it has seen the 300-page dossier. “The report contains a detailed and disturbing picture of the moral and material corruption of the clergy, with names, surnames and circumstances,” writes Francesca Fagnani.

We are … able to view a document on papal letterhead included in the investigation, and here we publish an excerpt: It is a list of prelates and laymen who belong to the so-called gay lobby, which through blackmail and secrets could affect, or have conditioned, positions and careers (theirs, like those of others).

We will not reveal the names shown in the list, but we can confirm that among the names there are people removed by the Pope, others moved from office, others who still hold important positions in strategic organs for the Vatican, such as Propaganda Fide and even the Secretariat of State.

Among those implicated in the dossier is none other than Cdl. Kevin Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, who has repeatedly claimed he knew nothing of former housemate Abp. Theodore McCarrick’s homosexual predation, although they lived together on the same floor of the same house for six years in Washington, D.C.

The report contains a detailed and disturbing picture of the moral and material corruption of the clergy, with names, surnames and circumstances.Tweet

“Farrell was appointed auxiliary bishop of Washington precisely because it was McCarrick who wanted him as a deputy,” Fagnani reports in a September 4 article focusing on a “Farrell dossier.” “The two were part of the ‘magic circle’ of Pope Francis.”

[A case] on the auxiliary bishop of Washington, Kevin Joseph Farrell, is said to have been filed at the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith in the Vatican, at the Dicastery that is responsible for investigating sexual and other crimes against good morals, which, if not rebutted, would fall squarely on the Pope like a boulder. Farrell [was] appointed directly by Bergoglio to head the Dicastery of the Family.

In response to Il Fatto Quotidiano‘s queries with regard to the existence of a file on Farrell, the Vatican is refusing to confirm or deny.

“There will be no communication,” was the response from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. “The Vatican therefore does not deny Il Fatto Quotidiano, but chooses the strategy of silence as for McCarrick,” Fagani writes.

Pope Benedict’s sudden resignation in 2013 is allegedly linked to the 300-page dossier; some media reported that Benedict chose to resign the same day he received the dossier, the result of findings of an investigation commissioned by the Holy Father into clerical corruption and malfeasance.

The investigation, itself, led by Cardinals Julián Herranz, Jozef Tomko and Salvatore De Giorgi, is said to have uncovered sins involving sex and financial corruption. “Everything revolves around the non-observance of the sixth and seventh commandments,” according to La Repubblica in February 2013.

“The investigation of the three cardinals Herranz-Tomko-De Giorgi has so far remained top secret,” Fagnani writes in her report. “However, a small but not small circle of people has had the opportunity to read it, and this already before the Conclave, to give a hand to the Holy Spirit who would then take Bergoglio to the papal throne. To draw up the dossier, tens of priests and high priests were questioned, and documents of all kinds were collected.”

“If the public were aware of the content of the final report it would be a disaster for the image of the Church, already devastated in the whole world by sexual scandals,” she added.

If the public were aware of the content of the final report it would be a disaster for the image of the Church, already devastated in the whole world by sexual scandals.Tweet

The hope after Benedict’s resignation was that a younger, stronger pope would be elected to help clean up the Church; thus Francis was chosen with the understanding he’d be a man of reform. But under his papacy, some senior clergy believe conditions have worsened, not improved.

Vaticanista Ed Pentin reported in 2017 that, according to a senior member of the curia, “the extent of homosexual practice in the Vatican has ‘never been worse,’ despite efforts begun by Benedict XVI to root out sexual deviancy from the curia … .”

Alarm at the homosexual crisis in the Church has reached fever pitch, with the outing of Abp. Theodore McCarrick — the very face of the response to the 2002 sex abuse crisis — as a homosexual predator, followed by the bombshell Pennsylvania grand jury report revealing 301 predator priests in only six U.S. dioceses, compounded further by the shock of Abp. Carlo Maria Vigano’s testimony revealing an entrenched “homosexual current” in the Church in the highest ranks, reaching even up to Pope Francis himself.

Further reading: Fr Z detects an irony about the date of the 2019 episcopal meeting called by Francis 

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10 Responses to Vatican rocked by leak of 300-page dossier

  1. Mary Salmond says:

    Fr. Z is onto something about Peter Damian. Could be hopeful!


  2. I read this just as I paused for lunch, having spent the morning reading the last third of Henry Sire’s book, The Dictator Pope, which I am reviewing in three instalments on my blog. The section on the suppression of the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the demolition of the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta opened my eyes in a way that I have never seen this pope before, even though I had a low opinion of him. I shall publish the last part of my humbly offered outsider’s review of the book after lunch. This news about the dossier makes it even more necessary to know the background and formulate your own carefully informed opinion. I know what my opinion is now. This pope is not a liberal, as I had assumed: his mindset is both fascist and communist. He is a man formed in the Jesuits in the time of Perón who can swing from right to left, as he pleases, as long as it suits his own dictatorial lust for power. He must go. Part 1 and 2 here, and part 3 to follow this evening.


  3. mmvc says:

    Thanks, Gareth. I started reading the book in Kindle format a few months ago but couldn’t bring myself to continue. Too distressing. I will however read your review.


  4. Hi, thanks for reading. Yes, the book is distressing. I found it awful at the time of the suppression of the friars and sisters of the Immaculate, and we just couldn’t understand what was happening. To read a careful analysis of how and why Bergoglio attacked and destroyed the most flourishing revival of Catholic religious life is heartbreaking. On the subject of the Church Militant story reported here, I am remaining VERY Cautious. 1. The Italian news story on which it is based is more than a week old: I wonder why it has not been more widely reported. 2. On the web page of that Italian story there are only two comments before comments were closed on 4th September. 3. It would be the biggest story to erpt since the abdication of Benedict XVI but CM are following a lead that is 10 days old, yet nobody else is. Why? 4. An internet search reveals nothing more on the subject apart from those who are quoting CM. So, while I remain open to the possibility there is something real in here, it is puzzling when you consider these points.


  5. My original caution about the above CM story is now doubled! I tried posting the following comment on CM and it has been moderated out of existence three times, so I gave up.

    “At first sight this story is very gripping, however I have some reservations about this story so I shall remain cautious for the moment. For a start, the Italian article linked to here is from 4 September – ten days ago – and there were only two comments on the original web page of that Italian publication: why such lack of interest? Why have mainstream media not picked up on such a game-changing explosive story? An advanced internet search reveals that the very few sites carrying this story refer back here to CM, so it is difficult to verify outside of that circular reference. I am not saying there is nothing in this story, but I find it very curious that such a momentous revelation would have such little reporting follow up after ten days. I await developments but will remain very cautious.”

    So, if CM suppress a comment that only suggests a cautious reception of the story, there is something a little concerning. Don’t you think, folks?


  6. To correct the above, in fairness to CM: they did eventually publish an edited version of my comment. I am happy with the edited version. I see no evidence yet of their extravagant claims that the dossier has been made available, and I have a different reading of the Italian article their report is based on: I think the journalist is simply sending a challenge to the Vatican to release the document but no documents have been actually seen. If anyone is interested, I finished my book review of Henry Sire’s “The Dictator Pope” (2017) and like Damian Thompson (in his Spectator article) I think it should be read by everyone.


  7. johnhenrycn says:

    Good to see Church Militant coming back to Catholicism after banning me 2 years ago:

    …and I wish I’d been part of the group that did this:
    …although I did demand the janitor (not sacristan) in my old United Church take down the rainbow flag in the sanctuary there before my daughter’s wedding 16 years ago.
    St Peter Damian, scourge of sodomites, pray for us.


  8. johnhenrycn says:

    I’ve read that Holy Father’s recent announcement of an extraordinary Synod on the Sexual Abuse of Minors is scheduled to start next February 21st, the Feast Day of St Peter Damian.


  9. If the extraordinary Synod on the Sexual Abuse of Minors follows anything like the arrangements for the 2014-2015 Synods on the family, one would expect the proceedings to take place in a Roman bath house and the dress code for invited cardinals to be specified as tight shorts.


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