Archbishop Vigano: “An Act of Accusation against Pope Francis and of Love for the Church”




ROME, December 19, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò today launched a strong defense of the Virgin Mary and a forceful indictment of Pope Francis, in response to the pope’s controversial homily on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in which he called the doctrine of Mary as co-redemptrix “nonsense.”

Archbishop Viganò’s statement, titled “Mary Immaculate Virgin and Mother – Acies Ordinata, ora pro nobis,” is prefaced by a stirring passage from the prophet Isaiah that speaks of the Lord’s will to no longer keep silent in the face of the sin of idolatry.

The former apostolic nuncio to the United States then introduces the statement, writing:

The tragic story of this failed pontificate advances with a pressing succession of twists and turns. Not a day passes: from the most exalted throne the Supreme Pontiff proceeds to dismantle the See of Peter, using and abusing its supreme authority, not to confess but to deny; not to confirm but to mislead; not to unite but to divide; not to build but to demolish. Material heresies, formal heresies, idolatry, superficiality of every kind.

He continues: “On the liturgical memorial of the Virgin of Guadalupe,” Pope Francis “gave vent once again to his evident Marian intolerance,” striking at the heart the Marian dogma and the Christological dogma connected to it. But “the Immaculate Theotokos, ‘terrible as an army with banner unfurled’ [acies ordinate] will do battle to save the Church and will destroy the unfettered army of the Enemy that has declared war on her, and with him all the demonic pachamamas will return definitively to hell.”

“For more than six years now we have been poisoned by a false magisterium, a sort of extreme synthesis of all the conciliar misconceptions and post-conciliar errors that have been relentlessly propagated, without most of us noticing it,” he writes.

“Thus,” he continues, “in the course of these last decades, the Mystical Body has been slowly drained of its lifeblood through an unstoppable bleeding: the sacred deposit of faith has gradually been squandered, dogmas denatured, worship secularized and gradually desecrated, morality sabotaged, the priesthood vilified, the Eucharistic Sacrifice protestantized and transformed into a convivial Banquet…”

The distinctive mark of modernist heresy, stresses Msgr. Viganò, is the concealment and “tactic of affirming what one wants to destroy, using vague and imprecise terms, promoting error without ever formulating it clearly.” The result, he says, is what we now have before our eyes: “A Catholic Church that is no longer Catholic; a container emptied of its authentic content.”

Archbishop Viganò concludes: “The Church is shrouded in the darkness of modernism, but the victory belongs to Our Lord and His Bride. We want to continue to profess the perennial faith of the Church in the face of the roar of evil that besieges her. We want to keep vigil with her and with Jesus, in this new Gethsemane of the end times; to pray and do penance in reparation for the many offenses caused to them.”

Archbishop Viganò’s full statement in Italian was first published on Corrispondenza Romana. The official English text will be published in the coming hours.

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8 Responses to Archbishop Vigano: “An Act of Accusation against Pope Francis and of Love for the Church”

  1. Mary Salmond says:

    Wow! All out war with words! Very gutsy, but not sure how it will affect the pontiff!


  2. fitziv says:

    Maybe his base assumption is flawed, maybe the guy he is claiming is the Pontiff is not the Pontiff… Maybe we should start ignoring the usurper and calling out the flaws and destruction caused by the actual Pontiff… Benedict XVI…
    Pray for the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, that he repents and finds the courage to except the Grace from our Lord and be a rock like Job.


  3. Something has been OFF since Pope Benedict XVI “retired”. I am praying for the absolute will of God to be fulfilled in the Church! It seems only God will is safe to pray for!
    God, have your way with me, and with the Holy Roman Catholic Church!


  4. Roger Pelizzari says:

    Pope Francis is the most holy Pope in hirtory. Vigano and other conservatives are trying to hold on to their ignorance but to no avail. The people are awake now wnd will not go back to darkness. Thank you Pope Francis for all you are doing to restore the church to the people, to pretect our planet, and free the people from poverty.


  5. Brother Burrito says:

    Co-Redemptrix suggests parity of Mary, the most perfect creature, with CHRIST WHO is GOD.
    I can understand the confusion. Perhaps there should be some theological-recon-figuration?


  6. mmvc says:

    You might find the theological insights of Dr Mark Miravalle on the subject helpful, BB:

    By Mark Miravalle, Professor of Theology and Mariology:

    “The title, “Co-redemptix,” refers to Mary’s unique participation with and under her Divine Son Jesus Christ, in the historic Redemption of humanity. The prefix, “Co,” comes from the Latin “cum,” which means “with.” The title of Coredemptrix applied to the Mother of Jesus never places Mary on a level of equality with Jesus Christ, the divine Lord of all, in the saving process of humanity’s Redemption. Rather, it denotes Mary’s singular and unique sharing with her Son in the saving work of Redemption for the human family. The Mother of Jesus participates in the redemptive work of her Savior Son, who alone could reconcile humanity with the Father in his glorious divinity and humanity.”

    Mary’s entire existence has been one of cooperation with the Lord. So it was on Calvary. She who was preserved by God from Original Sin at the moment of her conception and heard from the mouth of Simeon that “you yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed” accepted the salvific death of her Son not with a “hands-off” approach but instead by embracing it. The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (1962-1965), in its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen Gentium) of November 21, 1964, painted this picture of Our Blessed Lady’s collaboration with the Almighty, which included her heroic surrender to Christ’s ignominious death.

    “Thus the Blessed Virgin advanced in her pilgrimage of faith, and faithfully persevered in her union with her Son unto the cross, where she stood, in keeping with the divine plan, enduring with her only begotten Son the intensity of his suffering, associated herself with his sacrifice in her mother’s heart, and lovingly consenting to the immolation of this victim which was born of her.”

    Deacon Miravalle spells out precisely what Mary did next to her dying Son.

    “Mary uniquely participated in the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary and in the acquisition of the graces of Redemption for humanity (theologically referred to as “objective redemption”). Mary offered her Son and her maternal rights in relation to her Son to the Heavenly Father in perfect obedience to God’s will and in atonement for the sins of the world. Mary’s offering of her own Son on Calvary, along with her own motherly compassion, rights and suffering, offered in union with her Son for the salvation of the human family, merited more graces than any other created person. As Pope Pius XII confirmed in his encyclical On the Mystical Body, Mary “offered Him on Golgotha to the Eternal Father, together with the holocaust of her maternal rights and her motherly love, like a New Eve for all children of Adam.”


  7. Mary Salmond says:

    mmvc: agree with response. Dr. Brant Pitre discusses those same issues in book: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary. Great book, in-depth but very readable.


  8. Andrea Sifuna says:

    The above is the correct understanding when Our Mother is addressed under the title of Coredemptrix


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