On the Kiss of Judas.

A Lenten Reflection for Wednesday after the First Sunday in Lent from Holy Cross Publications


My God, I firmly believe that Thou art here present. I acknowledge that on account of my many sins I am utterly unworthy to appear before Thy sacred countenance. Yet, confiding in Thy infinite goodness and mercy, I venture to address Thee, to call upon Thy holy name, and meditate upon Thy commandments, in order that I may acquire a better knowledge of Thy holy will, and accomplish it with more fidelity. Wherefore enlighten my understanding that I may perceive what I ought to do or leave undone for the promotion of Thy glory and my own salvation; at the same time excite my will, that I may repent with my whole heart of my past sins, and resolve for the future to do all that Thou requirest of me. Grant me above all to know Jesus, my divine Teacher and Guide, more clearly, that I may love Him more dearly, and consequently labor, struggle and suffer with greater generosity and self-sacrifice in imitation of His example. Holy Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, show Jesus to me now, and let me study thy divine Son to the salvation of my soul. Holy Guardian Angel, keep far from me all distracting thoughts; my patron saint, come to my assistance. Amen.

Wednesday after the First Sunday in Lent.
On the Kiss of Judas.

Imagine yourself, my soul, a witness of that lamentable and terrible spectacle when Judas kissed our Lord. The unhappy apostle comes, accompanied by rough soldiers and brutal executioners; he goes up to Jesus, his Lord and Master, at whose table he has sat for three years, with whom he has enjoyed delightful intercourse, who has admitted him to His closest confidence, who has given him to eat of His own flesh and blood; he goes up to Him, his Benefactor, to accomplish the foul treachery he has planned, and on Jesus pale and bloodstained countenance he imprints the traitor’s kiss. What base, what horrible perfidy!

1st. Consider that when, in times long past, Joab, the general of David’s forces, perpetrated a most shameful deed, inasmuch as, going to meet Amasa, who was also a commander in the army, and stooping forward to kiss him, he at the same moment thrust his sword into his side and killed him; Solomon, David’s wise and peaceful son, was so horrified at the crime that he avenged it upon Joab in a signal manner. But what was Joab’s deed in comparison to that whereof Judas was guilty? Joab with his treacherous kiss murdered his fellow man, his equal, whereas Judas by his kiss murdered his Lord and his God. Joab killed Amasa with a single blow, but think to what a lingering, torturing, extraordinarily painful death the kiss of Judas betrayed our Lord! Oh the execrable cruelty, the infamy of that treacherous act!

2d. Consider that when the assassins of Julius Cæsar fell upon him in the Senate-house with daggers drawn to stab him, the hero of many battles stood immovable, displaying no emotion, uttering not a word of complaint. But when Brutus, whom he loved with the affection of a father, also approached and drew the murderous weapon to strike his benefactor, this blow hurt Cæsar more than all the others, and he could not refrain from uttering the sorrowful exclamation: “Thou too, Brutus, my son!” Now if the ingratitude of Brutus grieved Cæsar so deeply, how sorely must the loving heart of Jesus been pained and saddened by the ingratitude of His apostle! Might He not have addressed to him this plaintive reproach: “Is this what I have deserved of thee, I who knelt on the ground before thee to wash thy feet; is this what I have deserved of thee, I who fed thee with My body and blood; is this what I have deserved, I who chose thee to be an apostle and endowed thee with supernatural powers?” thankless Judas! Thou art more criminal than Cain; he slew his brother, but thou hast slain thy Father, thy Creator, thy Redeemer. Truly indeed it had been better for thee hadst thou never been born. And yet, my soul, you who are so horrified at the kiss of Judas, ask yourself this question:

3d. What kiss do you give our Lord? Several persons kissed the Saviour when He was on earth. The Blessed Virgin Mary covered the lovely countenance of the Infant Jesus with her maternal kisses. Magdalen imprinted the kiss of contrite sorrow on His sacred feet; the aged Simeon was privileged before his departure to kiss the divine Child in the temple at Jerusalem, and now we see the wretched Judas daring to give Him a traitor’s kiss. Reflect on this, my soul; ask yourself whether you have not, by an unworthy Communion or some mortal sin, given the kiss of Judas to your Lord, or whether by a true and sincere confession you have, with heartfelt compunction, bestowed on Him the kiss of Magdalen. Ask yourself whether in Holy Communion you have pressed Him to your heart with adoring love like Mary, whether you can hope when death is near to give and receive from Him the kiss of peace as Simeon did, and thus depart out of this life in osculo Domini (death “in the kiss of the Lord” in which the just die).


My God, I give Thee heartfelt thanks for all the graces and all the light Thou hast conferred on me during this meditation. Pardon me all the negligence and the distractions of which I have been guilty, and give me strength to carry out the resolutions that I have made. Fortify me, that from henceforth I may diligently practise this virtue . . . avoid this fault . . . perform this action . . . to Thy honor. Help me to do this, sweet Virgin Mary; and if I ever forget my good resolutions, I entreat my Angel Guardian to recall them to my memory. Amen.



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2 Responses to On the Kiss of Judas.

  1. Mary Salmond says:

    Excellent reflection! Thanks!


  2. Roman Catholic Daily Fiat says:

    Excellent article for us in the midst of Church turmoil. Thank you!


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