Abortion in Argentina: A Crime Committed by Francis’ Friends

Comment: It is truly “sad” that on the 7th Day in the Octave of Christmas, and Commemoration of the outstanding Pope, Saint Sylvester I (whose reign saw the end of the Roman persecutions and the blossoming of the Church; who also convened the First Council of Nicaea, which quashed the Arian heresy) we have a Pope who ignores the legalizing of murder of the unborn in his home country WITHOUT UTTERING A WORD OF CONDEMNATION.

from Gloria.tv

It is “very sad” that with an Argentinean Pope the Argentinean parliament passed an unconstitutional, anti-human and anti-Christian law, the Argentine Curia Archbishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo told LaNacion.com.ar.

On December 30, Argentina introduced on of the most inhuman abortion laws worldwide, which “allows” to kill children until the ninth month of pregnancy.

Sánchez – a minor figure in the Roman Curia – was the only one to speak out at the Vatican. Francis never officially intervened in the debate.

“To do so would have been an interference in a matter of another state,” LaNacion.com.ar excuses him, however, Francis does this often when it suits his leftwing causes.

The Argentinean philosopher Rubén Peretó Rivas wrote on AldoMariaValli.com (December 30) that the crime was committed by the party Francis supports in every possible way while the centrist party which Francis constantly ridicules and for which he harbours deep resentment, voted against the law.

Peretó calls abortion in Argentina “the work of Bergoglio’s friends.” President Alberto Fernández whom Francis received in January 2020 with broad smiles and for whom Archbishop Sorondo celebrated Mass, personally lobbied for the law.

Many pro-abortion lawmakers have free entry to Santa Marta. Their photographs with a smiling Francis periodically make the rounds in the country’s press.

The Argentinean bishops complained about the law with the argument that it will “increase divisions in the country,” as if this were the main problem.

Peretó recalls that many Argentinean bishops are imposing Covid-Communion in the hand with brutal force and asks whether they will be “equally strict” with the pro-abortion legislators.

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4 Responses to Abortion in Argentina: A Crime Committed by Francis’ Friends

  1. David says:

    “Crickets” Jorge Bergoglio


  2. Nelson says:

    Reblogged this on Nelson MCBS.


  3. Private letters are no intervention. Jorge is a bought man and silence is complicity. This grieves me so much.


  4. Brother Burrito says:

    As analyses of the grave Argentinian situation go, and the Pope’s responses etc, this is bollox.


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