Newsflash: How much madness can we endure? – At dissident Catholic liturgies, even animals receive communion.

Now, this is not just Anglican madness, the illness has spread to Catholic communities. High time to stop these lunatics.

H/T: Deacon’s Bench

FATHER Greg Reynolds wants his church of dissident Catholics to welcome all – ”every man and his dog”, one might say, risking the non-inclusive language he deplores – but even he was taken aback when that was put to the test during Mass yesterday.

A first-time visitor arrived late at the Inclusive Catholics service in South Yarra with a large and well-trained German shepherd. When the consecrated bread and wine were passed around, the visitor took some bread and fed it to his dog.

Apart from one stifled gasp, those present showed admirable presence of mind – but the dog was not offered the cup!

Father Reynolds, a Melbourne priest for 32 years, launched Inclusive Catholics earlier this year. He now ministers to up to 40 people at fortnightly services alternating between two inner-suburban Protestant churches.

The congregation includes gay men, former priests, abuse victims and many women who feel disenfranchised, but it is optimistic rather than bitter.

Yesterday a woman, Irene Wilson, led the liturgy and another, Emmy Silvius, preached the homily. Two more passed the bread and wine around.

Father Reynolds – his only clerical adornment a green stole around his neck – played as small a role as he could.

Inclusive Catholics is part of a small but growing trend in the West of disaffiliated Catholics forming their own communities and offering ”illicit” Masses, yet are slightly uncertain of their identities. The question was posed during the service: ”Are we part of the church or are we a breakaway movement?”

Father Reynolds was a thorn in the side of Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart when he preached in 2010 that it was God’s will to have women priests. He resigned as Western Port parish priest last August and had his faculties to act as a priest in Melbourne removed.

He is still a priest, though now on the dole. Mary Fenelon, who usually worships in Abbotsford, comes to this Mass because ”these people are forward-thinkers, and the church is going backwards. This is inclusive and welcoming.”

Another member is Michael Kelly, long the public face of the Rainbow Sash movement that sought acceptance for homosexuals in the church. He finds it a step forward to see a Catholic priest prepared to ”break through the intimidation and threats and oppression of a very frightened institution”. ”People have just had it,” he says.

”There’s a sense of hopelessness and despair when you look at the hierarchy, and nothing one says gets through to these guys. They are wrapped up in their own sense of entitlement.

”Intelligent, educated, adult Catholics have had enough.”

But if there’s one thing that unites Inclusive Catholics and the mainstream church, it’s their reliance on hard-working women behind the scenes. The volunteer who made the name tags given out yesterday turned 88 during the week.

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10 Responses to Newsflash: How much madness can we endure? – At dissident Catholic liturgies, even animals receive communion.

  1. JessicaHof says:

    Yup, all the usual weasel words are there. ‘Progressive’ – a word synonymous with the low road to hell?


  2. Sixupman says:

    Is he endowed with faculties? He probably would be in the Westminster Diocese.


  3. golden chersonnese says:

    Meanwhile and in the same Archdiocese, Archbishop Hart on Our Lady’s birthday next month will ordain four ex-Anglican clerics to the Catholic priesthood for the new Australian Ordinariate.


  4. JabbaPapa says:

    The blasphemy is so severe, that it’s no longer possible to consider these people even as Christians.

    How shameful !!!


  5. sisterteresepeter says:

    At a “catholic” parish I used to attend in South Florida, the pastor frequently allowed his two filthy Irish Wolfhounds to meander around the church during Mass. It was disgusting. There were worse things that happened at this parish. Needless to say, I left and found a Tridentine Mass to attend. These parishes are never going to stop unless we hit them were it hurts–in the pocketbook.


  6. Sixupman says:

    There is a story, possibly half-true, that the late Cardinal Gray’s [Edinburgh] dog attended whne he Celebrated his Daily Mass. Come the NOM, the dog desisted!


  7. “How much madness can we endure?” A lot. Up to and including the gates of hell. The Church will survive even this.

    “The question was posed during the service: ‘Are we part of the church or are we a breakaway movement?’”

    The answer to that question should be sadly obvious.


  8. golden chersonnese says:

    The photo reminds me of coffee-table “celebrations” I had to endure in my youth in the mid-seventies. (minus the communicating canine mostly, granted). I’m experiencing a very alarming sense of déjà vu.

    I see Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne (who was a contemporary of Cardinal Pell of Sydney in the seminary) has responded indignantly to the article by Barney Zwartz (a Catholic).

    Today Zwartz also reports in a snide tone on the beginnings of the Australian Ordinariate parish in Melbourne.


  9. JessicaHof says:

    ‘Church of dissident Catholics’? No, my church would not allow it. Perhaps they are just ‘dissidents’?


  10. toadspittle says:

    “How much madness can we endure?”

    Toad would have thought that too obvious to be worh mentioning. As much as is on offer, of course. The human race has been insane from day one, and shows no likelyhood of improving any time soon.

    Might as simply well learn to laugh at it all. Thinks Toad.

    The insanity, more often than not, manifests itsdelf in religion, as we all agree.


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