Scandalous Pro-Homosexual Comment by Pope Francis Vatican Appointee, Fr James Martin, SJ

Fr. James Martin at Boston College, 2014.

By Pete Baklinski on LifeSiteNews

‘Some saints ‘were probably gay’: Pro-gay Vatican advisor

Faithful Catholics may be in for a “surprise” when they “get to heaven to be greeted by LGBT men and women,” said a controversial Catholic priest who was appointed by Pope Francis last month to the Vatican’s communications office.

Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin, editor-at-large of the Jesuit-run America magazine, made the comment on his Facebook page May 5 after posting a link to a pro-homosexual event put on by New Ways Ministry and calling it “another sign of welcome and building bridges.”

When one Facebook commenter responded that “any canonized Saints would not be impressed” by the infiltration of homosexuality within the Catholic Church, Martin replied that some of the saints are “probably gay.”​

Replied to Walter Maczynski’s comment on Fr. James Martin, SJ’s public post
Fr. James Martin, SJ  “Some of them were probably gay. A certain percentage of humanity is gay, and so were most likely some of the saints. You may be surprised when you get to heaven to be greeted by LGBT men and women.”

But Catholic saint and doctor of the Church St. Peter Damian called homosexuality a “vice” that “opens up hell and closes the door of paradise.”

“This vice [of same-sex activity] is the death of bodies, the destruction of souls, pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the intellect, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, introduces the diabolical inciter of lust, throws into confusion, and removes the truth completely from the deceived mind,” he wrote in his 11th century Book of Gomorrah.

“It prepares snares for the one who walks, and for him who falls into the pit, it obstructs the escape. It opens up hell and closes the door of paradise,” he added.

The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered” since they are “contrary to the natural law” and they “close the sexual act to the gift of life.”

But, not only this: The Church also teaches that same-sex attraction is itself “objectively disordered” since God created sexual attraction to be between a male and female for the sake of procreation.

In this way, there is no such reality as a “homosexual person,” but only a person who struggles with the “disorder” of being attracted to the same sex. The Church teaches that everybody, including those with a disordered sexuality — often expressing itself in lust, masturbation, fornication, pornography, homosexuality — are called to chastity. That is, to the moral virtue of a rightly ordered sexuality integrated within the person.

The Christian faith holds that the homosexual act, along with murdering the innocent, depriving a laborer of his wages, and oppressing the poor, is one of the four sins that cries to heaven for justice. Those who commit grave sin can only enter heaven if they let go of their sinful ways, asking God for forgiveness and mercy. Jesus teaches that it is the “pure of heart” who will see God.

Martin recently published a book in which he outlines ways he thinks the Catholic Church should be building bridges of acceptance towards practicing homosexuals.

Last year he accepted an award from the pro-homosexual New Ways Ministry. During his acceptance speech, he said that the Church should embrace homosexuality’s “special gifts” and “lay to rest” language about the “objectively disordered” nature of homosexual inclinations and acts.

He has used his Twitter platform to support transgendered issues, such as boys using the girls’ bathroom and vice versa and has released videos on Youtube that advocate for the normalization of homosexuality in the Catholic Church.

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7 Responses to Scandalous Pro-Homosexual Comment by Pope Francis Vatican Appointee, Fr James Martin, SJ

  1. mithriluna says:

    I am very surprised and disappointed by the pope’s appointment of Fr. Martin. More and more, I have been hearing about his very liberal and un-Catholic statements. I agree that there probably are a certain percentage of people who have an attraction to the same sex and that there most likely were saints who struggled with that attraction in their own lives. But it would be very improbably that any saints, once in heaven, even identify themselves as gay. That persona would be wiped away and purified by the presence of Christ. Fr, Martin’s statements are dangerously misleading.


  2. Corrected version:

    I don’t want to be too blunt about this, but is Father Martin stupid? Does he really think any of us need him to tell us that there may have been saints who suffered from same-sex attraction?

    Of course there have been, but one of the things that made those men and women saints was that they followed the teaching of the Church “that everybody, including those with a disordered sexuality,…are called to chastity. That is, to the moral virtue of a rightly ordered sexuality integrated within the person.”

    It is Father Martin who “may be surprised” when he gets to heaven and discovers that not only are there men and women there who who suffered from same-sex attraction and yet led chaste lives, but there are no men and women there who died unabsolved of the mortal sin of having committed homosexual acts.


  3. mary salmond says:

    Are there no priests who will refute Fr. Martin’s stand, comments, book.? Have they no pro-life comments to rebut this? Where are the defenders of the faith? Where are the abbots and bishops speaking out against this and stating that the Church’s and catechism’s stance on homosexuality!!!. This is as bad as no comments on divorce or abortion, where are our bastions of the church? It leaves me only with more questions!!!!


  4. marysong says:

    More From St. Damian in the ‘The Book of Gomorrah: “Therefore I weep over you, O miserable soul, with so many lamentations, because I do no see you weeping. Therefore i lay prostrate on the ground on your behalf because I see you wickedly upright after such a grave fall, even wantonly striving towards the pinnacle of ecclestiastical order.”

    “You are most greatly to be wept over, because you do not weep. You are in the need of the sufferings of others because you do not feel the danger of your ruin ….. ”

    “The curse is coming upon you which was cast by the mouth of David against Joab and his house following the spilling of the blood of Abner. The pestilence of Gomorrah, which doomed the house of Joab in retribution of cruel homicide, now lives in the habitation of your body.”

    “For he who is befouled by the stain of grave sin is sprinkled with leprosy..”


  5. John says:

    For some reason they probably feel that the Pope will remove them if they speak up and they will be unable to do anything further behind the scenes. Why is anyone’s guess.

    “Are there no priests who will refute Fr. Martin’s stand, comments, book.? Have they no pro-life comments to rebut this? Where are the defenders of the faith? Where are the abbots and bishops speaking out against this and stating that the Church’s and catechism’s stance on homosexuality!!!. This is as bad as no comments on divorce or abortion, where are our bastions of the church? It leaves me only with more questions!!!!”


  6. Mary Salmond says:

    This is true, John, but the leaders of our church are ordained to defend all the theology they learn in seminary, including Fr. Miller and the Pope. Humility must not be a priority. All faithful are expected to die for Christ and the Church for what we believe. If a Pope reprimanded a priest for speaking the truth through scripture and catechetical text, then most would see the priest as the defender and bastion of faith. If the priest were asked to leave the Church for these truths, I think people would rise up and defend the priest rather than the pope. I could be wrong. Most faithful who are at all aware of the church’s teachings​ would or should press their bishops on this (ssm and homosexuality) for clarification, as bishop Burke has about the divorce-communion issue. If bishops are afraid of losing their positions and prestige, they shouldn’t be bishops. They’re in it for the wrong reasons.


  7. James edward Amos says:

    We must take into account the Catholic catechism ,Humena vitae theology of the body Saint John Paul2nd to bring the complete truth on human sexuality


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