“Our Lady, Help of Christians, Help Europe in Her Hour of Need”

Blessings from Heaven upon our friends in Australia and New Zealand who today celebrate  this holy feast day of “Our Lady, help of Christians”.

Overwhelmed by illegal immigrants pouring into the West, many of whom are belligerent Muslims, criminals and little more than savages, who have no intentions of obeying the laws of our lands or integrating into our way of life, never has our need to call on our Blessed Mother Mary to come to our assistance been more urgent.

Europe’s greatest problems to restoring Christian values to our countries is a prevailing Culture of Death ideology that favours left-wing anti-family, pro-choice, anti-Christian, pro-Islamic immigration policies that fulfill Our Lady’s warning that “the errors of [atheistic] Russia” would be spread, leading to the annihilation of nations. That is where we stand today in Europe: on the brink of a total annihilation of Christendom and a takeover by atheism on one side and heretical Islam on the other.

Politicians that swim against the tide of the reigning godless ideology are beaten to pulp by the MSM that long ago sold its soul to the devil. All our institutions, even the Vatican, have been infiltrated by Satan. Italy’s Salvini, who is certainly no saint, is nevertheless working hard to hold back the devil’s armies in his country, and therefore has become a victim of a vicious hate campaign to get rid of him.

We need more ‘Salvinis’ to come out of these European elections being held today.


From Canada Free Press:

In a rally on Saturday,  Salvini kissed his rosary, looked up to statue of the Blessed Virgin atop the 14th-century Milan Cathedral and said on behalf of the Italian people, “I entrust Italy, my life, and your lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who I’m sure will bring us to victory.” He said, “I am the last among good Christians, but I am proud to always have a rosary in my pocket.”

That Vatican leaders should oppose Salvini is telling. Apparently they support the 500 undocumented African migrants that stormed and seized Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport on Tuesday, and shouted, “France does not belong to the French.

Francis’ globalist push for a centralized world government with open borders is unfortunately fueling the increasing insurgent attacks we have seen throughout Europe in recent months. As pope he should scrap his political aspirations and join Salvini in his noble attempt to protect Italy from evil. The fact that he doesn’t support Salvini raises serious questions about his pontificate and calls to mind Christ’s words: “He that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:33)

For the whole story, continue here…

Vatican leaders outraged as anti-immigration politician commends Italy to Mary

“Personally, I entrust Italy, my life and your lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Let’s entrust ourselves to the six Patrons of Europe.”


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1 Response to “Our Lady, Help of Christians, Help Europe in Her Hour of Need”

  1. Thank you fellow brothers and sisters some from grateful Australians- who have had a miraculous election result recently too. Thank you Mary Patroness of Australia! We stand with Salvini too. With Our Lady and The Rosary we can reclaim the world! 🌍
    Just as long as we’re prepared to suffer for the cause.

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