A Pope Not Popular Among the Bishops

CP&S comment – We have slightly altered the original title of this article that states Pope Francis is “very popular” [presumably with Catholics]. The fact is, the evidence points to other conclusions. There have been countless calls worldwide urging the Pope to clarify his words and teachings that have caused such great confusion and concern; there has been a previously unheard of amount of criticism by the Catholic media aimed at his statements, actions and the way he ignores pleas to defend traditional orders, etc.; great preoccupation by the laity; and numbers at general audiences and gatherings are far down on average from those of Francis’ predecessors. Altogether this does not point to Pope Francis being a “popular pope” among Catholics.

By Sandro Magister on L’Espresso (www.chiesa)

With the appointment as president of Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, after that of the secretary general three years ago, Pope Francis now has full control of the Italian episcopal conference, one third of whose bishops have been installed by him, even in dioceses of the first rank like Bologna, Palermo, the vicariate of Rome, and soon also Milan.

Appointments are a key element in the strategy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. It should suffice to look at how he is reshaping in his image the college of cardinals, which in the future will elect his successor. After the latest batch of cardinals, announced one week ago for the end of June, chances are slimmer that the next pope could mark a return to the past.

Italy aside, however, winning the agreement of the bishops is anything but easy for Francis.

The only national episcopates that he can count on today are those of Germany, Austria, and Belgium, nations in which the Catholic Church is in the most dramatic decline.

While on the contrary the more vital Churches of Africa are those that stood together, in the two combative synods on the family, against the innovations desired by the pope.

If one then looks at the Americas, both North and South, the picture appears even more unfavorable for the pope.

In Canada, the six bishops of the region of Alberta have publicly taken a position against the go-ahead given by Francis to communion for the divorced and remarried, while in the United States the episcopal conference last November elected as its president Cardinal Daniel N. Di Nardo, precisely one of the thirteen cardinals of the memorable protest letter that infuriated Bergoglio at the beginning of the last synod.

In the American media, this election was covered as a referendum on Pope Francis, and there was reason for this. One year before, on a visit to the United States, Francis had ordered the bishops to change course and to get into step with him; and he had accompanied these commands with a series of appointments close to his mentality, in the first place that of Blase J. Cupich as archbishop of Chicago and as cardinal.

But if there was a referendum, Bergoglio lost it altogether. In the preselection for the appointment of the president, out of ten candidates elected only one to his liking made it in. And the elections of the vice-president – archbishop of Los Angeles José H. Gómez, a member of Opus Dei – and of the heads of the commissions were also contrary to the pope’s expectations.

Even in Latin America, Bergoglio has few admirers.

In Colombia the bishops did not like – and they let him know this – the prejudicial support that Francis gave for the “yes” in the referendum on an agreement with the guerrillas of the FARC, an agreement that many bishops judged as a surrender and that in effect was rejected by the popular vote.

In Bolivia the bishops simply cannot stand the blatantly friendly relationship between Bergoglio and “cocalero” president Evo Morales, their bitter enemy especially since they publicly accused the “high structures” of the state of connections with drug trafficking.

In a Venezuela plunged into catastrophe, there is sadness and anger every time President Nicolás Maduro lashes out against them while appealing to Pope Francis, whose support he boasts having. And unfortunately for the bishops, the words spoken by the pope in commenting on the Venezuelan crisis during his latest in-flight press conference, on the way back from Cairo, sounded too benevolent toward the president and malevolent toward the opposition.

An analogous sentiment of being betrayed by the pope had also arisen among the bishops of Ukraine after the embrace between Francis and Moscow patriarch Kirill in Havana, which they saw as the latest of many shows of “support of the Apostolic See for Russian aggression.”

Not to mention China, where Francis continues to say that “one can practice religion” precisely while some bishops, precisely those who most want to obey the pope, are persecuted and imprisoned.

(English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A.)

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5 Responses to A Pope Not Popular Among the Bishops

  1. Mary Salmond says:

    Sandro laid out some excellent points. Most of which give me hope for the future of the Church. Nice translation by a Midwest man! Thanks, I already feel better today!!!


  2. kathleen says:

    Yes, this is a very well-reasoned and convincing article by Sandro Magister on the widespread discontent in the Episcopate under this pontificate. (Although we hardly need any “convincing” that many good, long-suffering bishops are at their wit’s end in what to do about it!) Even so, the extensive examples Sandro gives through links to bishops in different parts of the world, is very helpful and informative.

    Another hopeful sign for the future of the Church is the increasingly large number of orthodox and decidedly traditional newly-ordained priests entering the Church, as opposed to unorthodox, progressive ones in the mould of the old 70’s mindset.
    Let’s just hope and pray hard that Pope Francis’ frantic efforts to fill the college of cardinals with liberals like him who will lean the balance of the scales in favour of a vote for a Francis II as his successor, does not pay off! Please God, spare your Church from such a fate!


  3. GC says:

    Yes, kathleen, I think the “subtext” (as they often say these days, or was that 10, 20 years ago?) of recent news reports is that the Bisher of Rome seems to be all (indecent?) haste itself in appointing new members to the electoral college.


  4. toadspittle says:

    “CP&S comment – We have slightly altered the original title of this article that states Pope Francis is “very popular” [presumably with Catholics]. “
    …So you have.


  5. Verona says:

    Nigһt family devotions had been one of the vital necessary parts of ᒪеe and Larry?s day.
    Dɑddy read a part of the story of Jesus cоming at Christmaѕ which is where he learn every year duriing December ѕo theyd know the real
    cause forr Christmas, to have fuun the birth of Jеsus.
    At the end of it, Lee asked, ?Daddʏ, did Jesus gett
    a birthday party yearly with preѕents and a clown too?


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