Fr Thomas Haake, an 80 year old Priest Assaulted by BLM Supporters

An 80 year old priest, Fr Thomas Haake, was brutally assaulted in Washington DC by members of the BLM radicals. Fr Haake was walking outside his residence dressed in his cassock and collar and was praying his Rosary when he was attacked. They beat him and stole his phone and empty wallet.

Fr Haake had arrived in Washington to lead retreats in St Peter’s Church on Capitol Hill until July 2020. A member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary and  based in Rome, he served as a spiritual director and taught theology, bioethics, political science, and Italian.

This holy and virtuous priest had started an order in the Philippines and led retreats in Myanmar, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Nigeria.

Francis must withdraw his support for BLM. 

Please pray for Father Haake… but perhaps his heartless attackers are in more need of prayer, and those who support them!

[Sources: Deacon Nick Donnelly, Gloria TV, Taylor Marshall]

UPDATE See also:  BLM Activist Calls for Destruction of Jesus, Mary & Saint Statues, Priest & Exorcist Respond

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22 Responses to Fr Thomas Haake, an 80 year old Priest Assaulted by BLM Supporters

  1. Mary Salmond says:

    Thank you! I may send to some liberal friends! I can guarantee a rebuff even though Fr Haake is peaceful and praying!


  2. First of all my heart felt prayers go out to Fr Thomas Haake for his suffering and that he will recover in all regard 100% I must say I get angry about these wicked evil inspired individuals that are running rampant now doing the work of the Devil, there is no other way to put it and I tend to believe there is no retrieving these sorts who are so twisted and wicked in their hearts that they are already the damned or they actually are demonically possessed. No decent or any person with an ounce of appreciation and respect for God our Creator would do such a thing to anyone let alone a senior citizen of 80 and a priest or otherwise! I tell you I have had tiny concerns about Francis several years ago that mushroomed to gargantuan proportions starting with him or his staff never responding to a very serious letter I sent to him which did touch on a personal matter where Freemason and Illuminati agents had attacked me one being a Catholic minister, and were corrupting here throughout. Then over the last couple of years with the outlandish behavior and lack of proper leadership for the Church I see Francis I’m sorry to say as nothing more than a heretic and possibly much worse! His rejecting BLM and ANTIFA along with many other twisted groups with the same agenda to force their will upon society and destroy as much heritage and civil order as they can. They , the communists and all antichrists are in unison now ramping up chaos and mayhem where ever they can get away with it and it has to stop one way or the other! I’m also very sorry to say that it’s beyond talking or any kind of simple reprimand and if it isn’t stopped soon this is going to spiral out of control way beyond where it has already gone.
    God bless Fr Haake. Amen. 🙏🕊✝️🕊🙏


  3. David says:

    Are we certain that BLM and/or Antifa were the perpetrators? That doesn’t change the circumstances or the evil of the act, just for the sake of accuracy are we certain?


  4. dnjoseph says:

    This sounds a bit suspect. I can’t find any information about it on any news sources. There is no mention of it on the Archdiocese of Washington DC’s web page. St. Peter’s on the Hill just reopened for Masses and neither its bulletin or Facebook page has any information about a retreat being held in June or July. I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns out not to be true.


  5. kathleen says:

    @ David and dnjoseph

    Those “sources” mentioned below the article are reliable and can be trusted to tell the truth.

    But why are you so surprised? Catholics and Catholic symbols are being mobbed and attacked all over the US nowadays (and in many countries of Europe) since the suspiciously well-organised violent demonstrations started following the death of George Floyd. Some of these cowardly attacks on innocent Catholics are for doing nothing more than pray peacefully in front of statues!
    See here:

    Who’s the racist now? Those peaceful white people… or the black thugs laying into them?

    Naturally I don’t believe any of the wonderful black Catholics I have known would condone this shameful behaviour. Colour is only skin deep anyway, and are we not all descendants of Adam and Eve?
    No, this whole ‘Black Lives Matter’ phenomena has a far more hidden sinister purpose behind it.

    P.S. If you cannot find any reports of the brutal attack on Fr Haake on other Catholic media sites, I suggest it may well have something to do with a certain fear they’d be branded as “racist”. God forbid!!
    Far too many chickens around IMO.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mary Salmond says:

    Kathleen: it all depends on the news people watch. Many don’t ever see the bad news because it’s not in the program to show both sides. Some people had never heard of antifa till recently. It was in the news 3 years ago but those same people never saw it then.


  7. kathleen says:

    Yes, you’re dead right Mary; many media outlets, even some Catholic ones, prefer to take the easy road to avoid any backlash from the aggressive lefties running the show. Too many lack a backbone nowadays – shame on them!

    There’s an agenda behind all of this and it sniffs of sulphur.


  8. Mary Salmond says:

    For sure!


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  10. indianaplus says:

    Certainly possible. Please put the details in so it is more credible. Day, time, closer on location, police report filed? Link to the report? What was said by the attackers, etc…. Links or references to other news organizations covering it. Hesitant to pass this along without that. Thanks.


  11. dnjoseph says:

    I stand corrected. I contacted St Peter’s on Capitol Hill and this was their reply: “Fr. Thomas Haake, OMV (Oblates of the Virgin Mary) was recently assaulted on the streets of Southeast, Washington, DC. We are saddened that Fr. Haake, an out-of-town guest to our city and a friend of St. Peter’s, suffered an assault. Fr. Haake has been provided a space in St. Peter’s rectory to use once or twice a week while meeting with people participating in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. We are thankful that Fr. Haake was not seriously hurt and is doing well in body and spirit. We will pass along the prayers and concern of many inquiring about Fr. Haake, and continue to pray for healing and justice in our country.”


  12. Mary Salmond says:

    dnjoseph: thanks for the detail.
    Fr Haake wasn’t as lucky as Fr Stephen Schumacher in St Louis. He protected and spoke out amidst yelling and screaming to educate the rowdies near a statue of King St Louis. They did not attack but kept screaming ridiculous obscenities. Not sure he was able to get a word in. I don’t have the video, but he stood unafraid! Abp Cordileone in California did the same at a St Junipero Serra statue. He prayed the rosary, talked to protesters, and was calm. I am proud of these 2 bold priests while others sit in their basements.


  13. arwen169 says:

    Reblogged this on Now or Never.


  14. David, was too quick to go along with the propaganda and blackouts happening in many of the important news worthy events by the MSM. I don’t blame him in a way because the brainwashing has been going on for many years so many people just simply go along with what is fed to them, and its a known fact that the bias against the Church and Jesus Christ in general is unequivocal and rampant! My mother always a devout Catholic doing her rosaries daily had been saying for years that the world is crucifying Jesus again in a figurative way now, which I totally agree! We see Communist China one of the most diabolical atheistic regimes telling Catholic seniors to denounce Jesus and God period or they will not be eating! This is certainly like the antichrists at the time of Christ’s crucifixion throughout the Roman Empire.


  15. Reblogged this on Zero Lift-Off and commented:
    Catholicism Pure & Simple Catholicism without compromise

    Fr Thomas Haake, an 80 year old Priest Assaulted by BLM Supporters

    Posted on June 30, 2020 by Catholicism Pure & Simple

    [Sources: Deacon Nick Donnelly, Gloria TV, Taylor Marshall]

    UPDATE See also: BLM Activist Calls for Destruction of Jesus, Mary & Saint Statues, Priest & Exorcist Respond

    Reblog: Zero Lift-Off

    Only The Beginning by Lawrence Morra

    “The communists and all antichrists are in unison”

    by Lawrence Morra

    First of all my heart felt prayers go out to Fr Thomas Haake for his suffering and that he will recover in all regard 100% I must say I get angry about these wicked evil inspired individuals that are running rampant now doing the work of the Devil, there is no other way to put it and I tend to believe there is no retrieving these sorts who are so twisted and wicked in their hearts that they are already the damned or they actually are demonically possessed. No decent or any person with an ounce of appreciation and respect for God our Creator would do such a thing to anyone let alone a senior citizen of 80 and a priest or otherwise! I tell you I have had tiny concerns about Francis several years ago that mushroomed to gargantuan proportions starting with him or his staff never responding to a very serious letter I sent to him which did touch on a personal matter where Freemason and Illuminati agents had attacked me one being a Catholic minister, and were corrupting here throughout. Then over the last couple of years with the outlandish behavior and lack of proper leadership for the Church I see Francis I’m sorry to say as nothing more than a heretic and possibly much worse! His rejecting BLM and ANTIFA along with many other twisted groups with the same agenda to force their will upon society and destroy as much heritage and civil order as they can. They , the communists and all antichrists are in unison now ramping up chaos and mayhem where ever they can get away with it and it has to stop one way or the other! I’m also very sorry to say that it’s beyond talking or any kind of simple reprimand and if it isn’t stopped soon this is going to spiral out of control way beyond where it has already gone.
    God bless Fr Haake. Amen.

    Lawrence Morra


  16. Sorry a serious typo *Francis: His not rejecting BLM and ANTIFA along with many other twisted groups with the same agenda to force their will upon society and destroy as much heritage and civil order as they can, is unconscionable.


  17. Joy Setzer says:

    The police report, however, says Father Haake was walking at around 6:15 a.m. when he fell to the ground and hit his face on the sidewalk.” His police report is dated June 1, 2020 and tells a different story. Note the time too.


  18. kathleen says:

    idianaplus @ 4:34pm yesterday

    I’m afraid we don’t have all the details. We found out about this assault on Fr Haake by members of the BLM/Antifa supporters from three reliable sources: Deacon Nick Donnelly on Facebook (the once-upon-a-time owner of the “Protect the Pope” blog), from the highly-respectable “Gloria TV News” channel, and finally from a tweet on Twitter by well-known apologist, Dr Taylor Marshall.
    Thanks to futher information supplied by dnjoseph St Peters have confirmed the assault and we are happy to hear Fr Haake is recovering.

    The attackers were not arrested, they ran away, but I also heard on Facebook (not from Nick) that they had been back waving BLM signs and shouting taunts at the priest (or priests ?) outside before running off again.


  19. kathleen says:

    @ Joy Setzer

    Well that police report doesn’t tally with the victim’s own words and the bulletin from the priests at St Peter’s rectory on Capitol Hill! Someone is lying! I know which of the two I believe.

    Another doubter, Bill Cheney, also sent a dubious link denying the assault, but that link has now mysteriously disappeared.


  20. Joy Setzer says:

    Kathleen, The police report states he himself told them “he fell” Did you fail to see the time on the police report of the fall too?


  21. kathleen says:

    Yes I did Joy. I wonder why that contradicts the account he gave to his fellow priests at St Peter’s and also the other news reports. Who then stole his phone and his empty wallet? All very confusing.

    At a guess I would say the gentle and forgiving Fr Haake didn’t want to turn the incident into another “George Floyd” affair, and together with the other priests decided to dampen it down, especially as Fr Haake is recovering well, Deo gratias.


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